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Ache Support

Is Inflammation Bad?

Inflammation has become somewhat of a buzzword in recent years. But do we all know what it actually means or how it shows up in our bodies? Is inflammation bad, or can it be a good thing?

What is Inflammation?

Bruises, swelling, and other external signs of inflammation are some of the more obvious ways to identify inflammation. Your body responds to a threat to your health in this way. But we can also experience inflammation internally.

When Inflammation Is Helpful

Your body’s immediate defense against infections, toxins, and injuries is inflammation. Chemicals are released that alert the immune system to spring into action. Inflammatory cells are sent to trap the invader and/or begin the process of healing tissue. While these biological processes are underway, blood vessels are also sending fluid to the area that is compromised, which causes the apparent signs of inflammation; pain, swelling, and redness. This is exactly what the body should be doing. So, when is inflammation bad?

When Inflammation Can Be Harmful

Too much of a good thing, aka chronic inflammation, can put your body on high alert. If the body is in a prolonged state of inflammation, it can cause damage to the brain, heart, and other vital organs.


Inflammation and Heart Disease

Chronic inflammation can contribute to serious health conditions like heart disease. When inflammatory cells spend too much time in blood vessels, it can cause plaque build-up and thicken arteries, leading to a stroke or heart attack.


Inflammation and the Brain

Too much inflammation in the brain may also be a contributing factor to Alzheimer’s disease. Experts used to think that the brain wasn’t directly affected by inflammation due to the blood-brain barrier, but more research has shown that the brain can be infiltrated by immune cells during distress. However, more research needs to be done to answer definitively about the brain and inflammation.


Inflammation and Other Health Issues

More scientists are looking into how obesity and inflammation are related. Obesity can cause a cascade of inflammation that may cause insulin resistance and other metabolic conditions. Many experts also believe that chronic inflammation is linked to arthritis, cancer, and bowel diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. However, it is unclear which is a result of the other.

When Should You Worry About Inflammation?

Acute inflammation, meaning short-term inflammation, is generally not a cause for concern as far as long-term health goes. Your body needs to experience the inflammation in order to heal properly. However, if you are experiencing acute inflammation due to an infection or other illness, be sure to see your doctor and treat the underlying issue adequately. Chronic inflammation brings up more concerns and it can be quite challenging to deal with, especially if left untreated for a long time. There are often none of the visible signs of inflammation, so it can be difficult to identify that you are feeling inflammation until it becomes more bothersome. If you are concerned about chronic inflammation, talk with your doctor and consider taking natural supplements that reduce inflammation.

Natural Supplements to Decrease Inflammation

If you’re looking to reduce inflammation naturally, BioClinical Science has you covered. The Ache Support supplement contains the potent anti-inflammatory ingredient turmeric (1). But we take it one step further and pair it with black pepper extract so your body can absorb more of the turmeric (2). Turmeric and black pepper are an excellent combo for reducing inflammation and relieving pain. The Ache Support supplement also contains Alpha-lipoic Acid, Green Tea Extract, and Vitamin B12. BioClinical Science also has the Immune Support supplement that pairs well with Ache Support for an anti-inflammatory combo. It has ingredients to support a healthy immune system like Elderberry, Vitamin C, Echinacea, Zinc, and Apple Cider Vinegar.

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