older woman taking hyaluronic acid for joint pain

Does Hyaluronic Acid for Joint Pain Work?

Hyaluronic acid is naturally occurring in the body, specifically in the joints. So does taking hyaluronic acid for joint pain work? What is the best kind of hyaluronic acid for joint pain?

What Does Hyaluronic Acid Do In The Body?

Hyaluronic acid is an essential component in the body as a part of:

  • Cartilage and bone growth: Hyaluronic acid promotes the growth of new tissues and cells and is a big part of the development of cartilage in the joints.
  • Lubrication: The viscous, jelly-like substance easily binds to water to provide lubrication within joints and also works as shock absorption between joints.
  • Inflammation reduction: Tissue degradation and injury can cause inflammation within joints. Hyaluronic acid has an important role in reducing inflammation here.
  • Hydration: Aside from its role within joints, hyaluronic acid helps keep tissues throughout the rest of the body full of moisture. The highest concentration can be found in the joints and eyeballs.

How Can Hyaluronic Acid Help Joint Pain?

OsteoarthritisAccurate medically illustration showing knee joint osteophytes, erodet cartilage, exposed bone and degeneration

Hyaluronic acid injections are a common treatment for osteoarthritis. This has been shown to decrease inflammation due to the wearing down of bone and cartilage in osteoarthritis joints. A hyaluronic acid gel is injected to restore necessary lubrication and encourage new cartilage growth. It has been used in osteoarthritis in the hip, knee, shoulder, thumb, and ankle joints.

Oral hyaluronic acid supplements have also been found to give adults with knee osteoarthritis considerable relief. The study found an increase in the concentration of hyaluronic acid within the joint fluid as well as a major reduction in the inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Another study found that oral supplements of hyaluronic acid were able to significantly reduce the pain medication needed for osteoarthritis pain.

Causian man holds hands to his painful feet, pain in footRheumatoid Arthritis

One study found that injections of hyaluronic acid could help control synovitis and inflammation in the joints of the foot and ankle caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

General Joint Pain

Even those that don’t suffer from arthritis may experience joint pain. A 2015 study indicated that hyaluronic acid for joint pain was effective in relieving knee pain, reducing inflammation, and increasing muscular strength in that area.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder can cause stiffness, inflammation, and swelling in the synovial membrane that may be relieved by hyaluronic acid injections.

Tennis ElbowLateral Epicondylitis or tennis elbow illustration

Tennis elbow occurs from chronic degeneration in the lateral epicondyle tendon. Some people have found relief after receiving a hyaluronic acid injection in the joint of the affected elbow.

Sprained Ankle

While a sprained ankle will likely heal fairly quickly on its own, some sprains are more severe than others and can be treated with hyaluronic acid.

Choosing a Hyaluronic Acid Supplement

There are many options for hyaluronic acid for joint pain supplements. These are a great option for those who want to try a less expensive route before receiving an injection of hyaluronic acid. Joint Support from BioClinical Science has created a proprietary blend containing hyaluronic acid, methylsulfonylmethane, and chondroitin sulfate to help you find the relief you need for your joint pain. Visit the website to learn more or to place an order today!

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