Stress Management: 9 Effective Ways to Reduce Its Impact on Your Health

Learn to practice effective stress management with light exercise.

The Impact of Stress on Health and How to Combat It In our daily lives, managing stress effectively is essential for maintaining good health. From balancing work duties to household management, the constant pressures can significantly impact our physical and mental well-being. This blog post focuses on stress management, exploring its effects on health and offering practical strategies to manage and alleviate it. Understanding the Impact of Stress on Your Health Stress isn’t merely a feeling of being overwhelmed; it’s a physical and mental response. When stressed, your body releases hormones like cortisol, gearing up for a ‘fight or flight’ reaction. Chronic stress can lead to issues like heart disease, weight gain, digestive problems, and weakened immunity. The American Psychological Association provides more insight on how stress affects the body. While this response is helpful in emergencies, constant stress can lead to a variety of health issues, including: Heart Disease: Chronic stress increases the risk of hypertension and heart disease. Weight Gain: High levels of cortisol can increase appetite and drive abdominal fat. Digestive Problems: Stress can affect the entire digestive system, leading to issues like ulcers, acid reflux, and irritable bowel syndrome. Weakened Immune System: Stress can suppress the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections. Mental Health: Prolonged stress may lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders. For more information on the physical responses to stress, see Mayo Clinic’s article on stress symptoms. Strategies for Effective Stress Management 1. Practice Mindfulness and Meditation Engaging in mindfulness and meditation can have a profound impact on reducing stress. These practices help you focus on the present moment, aiding in the reduction of racing thoughts. Simple techniques like guided imagery, mindfulness breathing, or participating in a meditation group can significantly lower stress levels. Even dedicating 5-10 minutes each day to meditation can lead to long-term improvements in handling stress. The National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health provides excellent resources on how mindfulness and meditation can be used for stress management. 2. Regular Physical Activity Exercise is not just about physical fitness; it’s a powerful stress-buster too. Regular physical activity releases endorphins, natural mood lifters, which can help you feel more relaxed and less anxious. Activities that involve movement for just 30 minutes a day can make a significant difference in your stress levels. Find an activity you enjoy, and make it a part of your daily routine. 3. Balanced Nutrition What you eat has a direct effect on your stress levels. Consuming a balanced diet can help fortify your body against the impacts of stress. Focus on incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats into your meals. Avoiding or reducing the intake of processed foods, sugar, and caffeine can also help stabilize your mood and energy levels throughout the day. 4. Adequate Sleep Quality sleep is crucial for stress management. Develop a relaxing bedtime routine to help signal your body it’s time to wind down. This might include activities like reading, taking a warm bath, or practicing gentle yoga. Ensure your sleeping environment is comfortable, quiet, and dark. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends, to regulate your body’s internal clock. 5. Time Management Effective time management is key to reducing stress. Start by prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and breaking down larger projects into manageable steps. Learn to say no to non-essential tasks and delegate when possible. Consider using tools like planners, apps, or to-do lists to keep track of deadlines and commitments. Remember to also schedule regular breaks to avoid burnout. 6. Social Support Building a strong social support network is vital in managing stress. Regularly connect with friends and family, whether it’s through phone calls, text messages, or in-person meetups. Joining clubs, groups, or community organizations can also provide opportunities to meet new people with similar interests. Sharing your thoughts and concerns with others can provide a fresh perspective and reduce feelings of isolation. 7. Relaxation Techniques Incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine to help reduce stress. Techniques like deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga can help calm your mind and reduce muscle tension. You might also explore activities like art therapy, journaling, or listening to calming music, which can provide a therapeutic outlet for your stress. 8. Limit Stimulants Reducing the intake of stimulants like caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol can significantly help in stress management. While these substances may offer temporary relief, they can increase stress and anxiety levels in the long run. Try substituting with healthier options like herbal tea or water. 9. Seek Professional Help If stress becomes overwhelming and interferes with your daily life, it may be time to seek professional help. A mental health professional can provide valuable tools and strategies tailored to your specific needs. Therapy can offer a safe space to explore the root causes of your stress and develop effective coping mechanisms. Taking Charge of Your Wellbeing Stress is an inevitable part of life, but it doesn’t have to control you. By recognizing the signs and taking proactive steps towards stress management, you can maintain your health and improve your quality of life. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health!

Who Should Be Concerned About Their Joint Health?

A confident woman smiling while walking on a treadmill, prioritizing joint health by participating in daily exercise.

Supporting joint health becomes more crucial as you get older, but no one wants to accept it when they’re old enough to need joint health supplements. However, studies have shown that the sooner you adjust your diet and/or supplement with nutrients shown to enhance joint health, the more likely you are to avoid painful conditions like arthritis later in life. Addressing Joint Health Earlier in Life In general, most individuals achieve a hormonal and nutritional peak between the ages of 25 and 30, after which we must begin paying more attention to our lifestyle and what we eat in order to age as gracefully as possible. Unless you’re supplementing or eating a diet rich in the nutrients needed to support joint health, you’ll likely experience some joint soreness as you approach or beyond the age of 35. So, don’t assume that joint health is only a concern for the elderly! You can make choices at a young age that will keep your joints healthier as you age. Shop Joint Health Supplements Hyaluronic Acid for Joints Hyaluronic acid is naturally occurring in the body, including in the joints. It has several essential functions like cartilage and bone growth, lubrication between joints, and hydration within the body. Oral hyaluronic acid supplements have been found to give adults with knee osteoarthritis considerable relief. One study found an increase in the concentration of hyaluronic acid within the joint fluid prompted a major reduction in the inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Another study found that oral supplements of hyaluronic acid were able to significantly reduce the pain medication needed for osteoarthritis pain. A 2015 study indicated that hyaluronic acid for joint pain was effective in relieving knee pain, reducing inflammation, and increasing muscular strength in that area. Supplements That Can Help Joint Support Joint Support from BioClinical Science uses a proprietary blend containing hyaluronic acid, methylsulfonylmethane, and chondroitin sulfate to help you find the relief you need for your joint pain. Learn More       Ache Support Joint pain and inflammation often go hand in hand and reducing inflammation is one way to support healthy joints. Ache Support uses turmeric, alpha-lipoic acid, and more to decrease inflammation and reduce pain. Learn More

Best Zinc Supplements: Here’s What To Look For

A chalkboard with the periodic table element sign for zinc written on it, surrounded by foods naturally containing zinc such as nuts, vegetables, and dairy - best zinc supplements.

Zinc is a very popular supplement and for good reasons! For many people, when they start feeling under the weather, they reach for a zinc supplement to reduce symptoms or shorten a cold. However, choosing the best zinc supplements can be a challenge. There are so many options, whether you are shopping at your local drugstore or searching for zinc supplements online. Here’s the scoop on zinc, what to look for, and why you should add it into your daily routine.  Why is Zinc Important? Zinc is not just one of the most prevalent trace minerals in your body; it also plays an important function in almost every area of your well-being. This essential micronutrient is what your body needs for a variety of key functions. Zinc is essential for immunological function, cell division, and protein and DNA synthesis. It also helps prevent inflammation and acts as an antioxidant. Benefits of Taking Zinc Daily Boost Your Immune System One of the most common reasons people take zinc is to support their immune system. Many studies have concluded that zinc may shorten the duration of a respiratory tract infection or prevent symptoms from appearing.  Manage Your Blood Sugar The second most common reason people take zinc how it affects insulin secretion and blood sugar. One study concluded that type 2 diabetes and impaired blood sugar levels may be linked to low levels of zinc. Another study showed that zinc may play a role in decreasing insulin resistance which can help your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels.  Improve Heart Health Hearth health is another big concern for many people. Several studies have found that taking zinc supplements lowered the levels of cholesterol and blood triglycerides which can help prevent heart disease.  How to Choose a Zinc Supplement There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing the best zinc supplements for you. Here are a few things to consider.  What Type of Zinc Do I Need? Zinc comes in several different types. There is some research that suggests that zinc citrate or zinc picolinate may be slightly more easily absorbed by the body.  How Much Zinc Do I Need? The Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL) for zinc is up to 40mg per day in adults, 23-34mg for teens, 7-23mg for children, and 4-7mg for infants. If you ingest too much zinc, it can actually start to decrease your immune function, so in this case, there is too much of a good thing. So the best zinc supplements should have between 15-30mg of zinc per serving.  What Form of Zinc Is Best? You can purchase zinc supplements in a variety of different forms, including liquid, capsule, and even lozenges. Many people prefer capsules because they are tasteless, odorless, and easy to dose, but the form in which you take zinc won’t typically change its efficacy.  How Do I Know What Zinc Is High Quality? When purchasing any type of vitamin or supplement, it’s important to do your research and choose products from a brand you can trust. Be sure to take a look at the ingredient list as well. Some supplements contain extra ingredients like preservatives, fillers, dyes, sugars, or other additives.  Try Immune Support with Zinc from BioClinical Science BioClinical Science has created Immune Support, a supplement containing 25mg of zinc citrate along with other immune boosting ingredients; Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Elderberry, Echinacea, and Apple Cider Vinegar. And these are the only ingredients you will find in Immune Support. There are no additives, so you can feel confident that you are only getting what you need and nothing you don’t. Visit the website to learn more or to place an order!

Is Taking Ibuprofen Everyday Bad For You?

Close up of bottle of ibuprofen that begs the question: is taking ibuprofen everyday bad for you?

Ibuprofen is a common over the counter (OTC) medication that helps with pain relief. Since it is available over the counter, some people reach for it any time they are experiencing pain to get some relief. But, is taking ibuprofen everyday bad for you? Common Uses for Ibuprofen Ibuprofen is a pain reliever and fever reducer that is used for temporary relief from minor aches and pains caused by: Minor arthritis pain Muscle aches Headaches Toothaches Backaches  Menstrual cramps Common cold  Ibuprofen is commonly sold under these brand names: Advil Motrin PediaCare Children’s Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer IB PediaCare Infant’s Pain Reliever/Fever Reducer IB How Often Can You Take Ibuprofen? Is taking ibuprofen everyday bad for you? Unless otherwise instructed by your doctor, you should avoid taking ibuprofen daily. Over the counter ibuprofen is typically recommended for pain relief for up to 10 days or up to 3 days for a fever. It can be easy to slip into the habit of taking ibuprofen daily when you experience long-lasting, chronic pain. However, continuing to take ibuprofen can be dangerous.  What Are The Risks of Taking Too Much Ibuprofen Ibuprofen typically has little to no side effects when taken as recommended. But when you take ibuprofen for too long you may start to have some serious health concerns. Your risk of stomach ulcers, kidney damage, and serious bleeding increase since the ingredients in ibuprofen that relieve pain can also affect other body processes like blood flow to the kidneys, blood clotting, and stomach and intestine protection. Heart problems are also a concern, including heart failure, heart attacks, and stroke. The longer you take ibuprofen, the more at risk you are for these possible complications.  Can You Overdose on Ibuprofen? Yes, overdosing on ibuprofen is a risk. According to a study, ibuprofen is the most common NSAID overdose. An ibuprofen overdose often happens when someone takes multiple medications that contain ibuprofen and accidentally exceed the maximum dose.  If you have taken too much ibuprofen, you may experience: severe dizziness fast or uncontrollable eye movements trouble breathing changes in breathing and/or a blue color to your face.  Experiencing any of these symptoms could be life-threatening and you should call 911 immediately. If you believe you or another person may have taken too much ibuprofen but aren’t experiencing overdose symptoms, contact Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222. Ibuprofen Alternatives for Pain Relief If you remain in pain after taking the recommended dose of ibuprofen for 10 days, you will need to switch to another pain reliever. OTC medications like acetaminophen can help, but they also have limitations. Natural pain relievers could be an excellent option to find relief from aches and pains.  Ache Support from BioClinical Science Whether you’re experiencing daily arthritis pain or a toothache, using natural pain relievers can get you back on your feet without wondering “is taking ibuprofen everyday bad for you”. Ache Support from BioClinical Science goes to work reducing inflammation, swelling, nerve pain, and joint pain. Developed by pharmacists and one of the top-rated pain management doctors in South Carolina, you can feel confident in taking it daily for chronic pain. Ache Support contains turmeric, black pepper extract, alpha-lipoic acid, green tea extract, and vitamin B12 to pack a punch on pain and get you back to enjoying life.  Visit the website to learn more or place an order today!